Welcome to the web portal of the Italian Network of PhD Programs in Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (NEIDOS). The overall goal and mission of NEIDOS is to promote the development of high standards in the training and educational activities offered by the Italian graduate Programs in biomedicine and biotechnology. The objective is to make such Programs progressively more attractive to bright, talented and highly motivated students, both nationally and internationally. To this aim, the NEIDOS web portal is intended to display the training and research activities offered by the participating Programs, the scientific profiles of their faculty members and a constantly updated list of research projects to be offered to the enrolled students. At present, NEIDOS gathers 28 graduate Programs promoted by 18 Universities nationwide, with over 500 participating scientists.
NEIDOS operates under the auspices and through the active involvement of two prominent Italian life science societies, the Association of Cell Biology and Differentiation (Associazione Biologia Cellulare e Differenziamento, ABCD) and the Italian Society of Biophysics and Molecular Biology (Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare, SIBBM).

Italian Network of PhD Programs
in Biomedical & Biotechnological Sciences