Molecular and Experimental Medicine
Course Coordinator & Office of Graduate Studies
Students' Office
Thematic Areas
Main research topics:

Stem cells isolation and differentiation from heart, lung and umbilical cord;

Heart and lung remodelling during chronic diseases;

Effects of stress, aging and physical training on cells and tissue homeostasis (mainly heart, vessels, airways, lung, muscles, brain, adipose tissue);

Role of heat shock proteins in the pathogenesis of autoimmune and tumoral diseases;

Pathophysiology of Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome; Kawasaki disease; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Mild Cognitive Impairment.

The Course is part of the PhD School in Biomedicine and Neuroscience (University of Palermo, Italy)

Active partnerships:

University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (MD), U.S.A.

Division of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity, School of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.

University of Malta, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Msida, Malta.

University of Costanta, School of Medicine, Romania.

Laboratory of Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology, “S. Maugeri” Foundation, Veruno (NO), Italy.

Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology, National Council of Researches, Palermo, Italy.

Zoo-Experimental Institute of Sicily, Palermo, Italy.

Laboratory of Experimental Oncopathology, “Civico – M. Ascoli” Hospital, Palermo, Italy.

Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione, Palermo, Italy

Ri.MED. Foundation, Palermo, Italy
Selection & Admission
Each year the University of Palermo publish an announcement for a public selection to the admission to our doctorate School.

Students' Monitoring
An external commission composed of up to three scientists coming from other Universities or Research Entities at the beginning of the year judges projects, lectures and organization of the doctorate school considering:

a. Scientific production
i. Number of scientific publications
ii. Number of scientific communications and meetings
b. Quality of formative activities
i. Number of foreign research entities participating to the doctorate school
ii. Number of PhD students discussing their thesis in front of an external commission
c. Evaluation of occupational outlets
i. Number of persons with a PhD degree who are actually working in an area dealing with the title of the doctorate school, compared to the total number of PhD students per year.
Training & Education
During a PhD course most of the time is spent in a laboratory leading the own project under the supervision of a PhD tutor.
Many didactic activities and seminars are organized during the academic year. It is required to spent at least 3 months outside Italy in a scientific laboratory to perform experiments dealing with the PhD thesis.
Doctoral Thesis
The Doctorate thesis must be written in english. It may be exposed in english or in italian.
The University of Palermo will pay the fellowship for all the students admitted to the PhD course. The student going abroad to attend a foreign laboratory will have half more than the normal fellowship.
The University of Palermo can provide student accomodations paying about 10 euros per day.