Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology
Medicina Molecolare
Napoli Federico II
Course Coordinator & Office of Graduate Studies
Students' Office
Thematic Areas
Aim is to provide three-year research training in molecular oncology and endocrinology for post-graduate students. The program covers the following intensive Courses: i) Advanced level Molecular Oncology; ii) Advanced level Molecular Endocrinology; iii) Advanced level Genetics; iv) Bio-Statistics and Bioinformatics; v) Advanced level Cell Biology; vi) Advanced level Molecular Biology. Duration of each Course will be of approximately two weeks and courses will be organized during the first year of the PhD Program. Training in Foreign Laboratories under joint research programs is highly encouraged based on a number of Scientific Agreements with European and non European foreign institutions. All network partners have recognised expertise in diverse aspects of oncology and endocrinology research.
Selection & Admission
The admission procedure consists of 2 rounds: 1. written examination concerning general aspects of Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology; 2. oral examination and interview on education and research activity of the applicant.
Students' Monitoring
The Program will provide a thorough and up-to-date education in basic and medical sciences, particularly in the fields of molecular oncology and endocrinology, combined with research activity in the laboratories of leader investigators participating to the program. The students will be supervised by the group leader of the research team, participating to the program, and by the board of the teachers. A "mid-term evaluation" will consist in an interview of the student and a seminar on the ongoing research project. The Board of teachers will review the project and advise for its continuation. The duration of the PhD program is 3 years.
Training & Education
Throughout their thesis, students will attend Institutional seminars and lectures, will participate to lab meetings and present journal and data clubs. Students will attend regular courses as outlined above. Participation is acknowledged by a credit point system; successful completion will be certified. We expect the program will allow training of professionals able to conduct research independently, to identify relevant problems and to compete at an international level.

Doctoral Thesis
At the end of the program, students are required to submit a doctoral thesis containing data of their original research project. A draft of the thesis will be required 6 months before the end of the last year to be examined by the Board of teachers with the help of an external committee. Moreover, a seminar to all the scientists affiliated to the Institution is scheduled for each student in the last year of the PhD program.
3-4 fellowships will be provided each year by the University depending on the successful evaluation of the previous course cycle (nucleo di valutazione). Fellowships can be also granted by other Institutions (public and private ones). Each single research group is responsible to search for financial resources for their students.
The secretary office will provide assistance to the students to find accomodation. Some accomodations for foreign students are available through the University.