Complex Systems for Life Sciences
Scuola di dottorato in Scienze della Vita e della Salute
Course Coordinator & Office of Graduate Studies
+39 0116707205
Students' Office
Thematic Areas

This curriculum is for Graduate Students in Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine and Computer Science.

Prospective students should have an excellent score in their previous classes, a strong undergraduate science background, a strong commitment to research and they should accept the challenge posed by a new interdisciplinary science. Indeed the present curriculum is specifically interested in recruiting students with broad scientific interests and a taste for collaboration.

The curriculum is designed to offer scientific training, research projects and perspectives in the area of post-genomic biology by using combined computational, engineering and experimental approaches with theoretical modelling, rooted in theoretical physics and mathematics.

The biological interests include cell differentiation and development, cell signalling, cell growth and motility, cancer progression, cancer cell genetics, protein folding, gene-expression.

Selection & Admission
Selection follows the rules of the Torino University
Students' Monitoring
At the beginning of hir/her PhD course each student
is assigned to one of the tutors of the school by the PhD board.
Students are periodically asked to present a report of their research work to the whole PhD board. As part of their training they are also asked to attend
the scientific seminars and the journal clubs organized by the research groups involved in the PhD school.
Training & Education
Training is based on two main types of courses. During the first year the students must follow introductory courses (mainly Mathematics and Physics for students coming from Biology masters and Biology courses for students coming from Math or Physics) followed by a set of lectures on Systems Biology and an introduction to basic bioinformatic algorithm.

Besides these first years courses we organize every year for all the students two weeks of full immersion lectures on advanced topics in systems biology, computational biology, biophyscs and genomics.
Doctoral Thesis
The process of earning a doctorate normally takes 3 years and consists of conducting independent research, writing a scientific dissertation including results of the research, and defending it in public in front of the PhD examining Committee.

Upon conclusion of the PhD course, candidates should present a copy of their final dissertation to the Collegio Docenti (PhD Board) who will then evaluate the student"s research and decide whether they will be admitted to the final exam.
It is expected that at the end of the 3-years term, candidates will have obtained sufficient results to present a scientific publication.
PhD Fellowships are available from MIUR and from Bank Foundations, for example Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione Lagrange. Duration: 3 years
There is the possibility (and finances) to spend up to half of the research period abroad.
The Torino University does not provide accommodation for foreign students as there is no Campus. Students usually live in private residences, with families, or share a rented apartment with others.

University Residences: students may choose private accommodation at EDISU (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio), a regional institution for student assistance which provides information regarding housing etc.