Molecular Biomedicine
Biomedicina Molecolare
Course Coordinator & Office of Graduate Studies
Students' Office
Thematic Areas
The program is centered on the following areas: Molecular Oncology, Physiology and Pathology of Metabolism, Molecular Genetics, Tissue Engineering, and Molecular Therapeutics and Diagnostics.
The program is highly focused on experimental science; students are trained for a career in biomedical research in academic or biotechnological institutions.
Selection & Admission
The admission exam is based on evaluation of the candidate's curriculum and an interview.
Students' Monitoring
Two figures supervise and assess the student. The Supervisor is the group leader and mentor of the student. She/he has full responsibility of the student's career, signs the Thesis, and provides infrastructure and funding for research. The co-supervisor is a member of the School who is competent in the student's field of research. The co-supervisor can also be external to the school, provided that she/he has the necessary competence and is easily accessible to the student.
Each year, both supervisors receive the student's project proposal or progress report (they may also meet the student in person or via Skype), and send a written evaluation of the work to the teaching board.
Training & Education
The PhD program organizes specific seminars and journal clubs.
Students are also expected to present their work in a public seminar at the end of the first year (project proposal) and second year (mid-term seminar).
Doctoral Thesis
The Thesis must be written in English, and is discussed in a public seminar (VIVA).
Students receive the standard Italian University PhD fellowship for the entire duration of the program.
Fellowships can be funded by the University of Trieste or/and by research grants of individual host laboratories (supervisors). The fellowship is increased by 50% for periods abroad (max. 12 months). Positions "senza borsa" are supported in full by external fellowships, and their amount is therefore variable (usually equal or greater than the standard fellowship).
Currently the program does not provide specific logistic or financial support for students. However, an efficient network for integration and support of foreign students is provided by the University of Trieste ( and the Regione FVG (