Biosciences and Biotechnologies
Biosciences and Biotecnology
Course Coordinator & Office of Graduate Studies
39 049 827 6409
39 049 807 3310
Students' Office
39 049 827 6276
39 049 827 6192
Thematic Areas
The Graduate School has six Curricula:

1. Biochemistry and Biophysics, Coordinator: Prof. Maria Catia Sorgato

2. Cell Biology, Coordinator: Prof. Cesare Montecucco

3. Evolutionary Biology, Coordinator: Prof. Giorgio Casadoro

4. Biotechnology, Coordinator: Prof. Giorgio Valle

5. Genetics and Molecular Biology of Development, Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Bonaldo

6. Neurobiology, Coordinator: Prof. Daniela Pietrobon
Selection & Admission
Selection and admission criteria are decided by the "Consiglio Direttivo" (CD) according to art. 11 of the rules (, which allows the following options:

1. CV and oral test;
2. CV only (for foreign students applying through the CARIPARO scheme).
Students' Monitoring
Students are assigned to a Supervisor of their choice. S/he is responsible for assistance and training of Students, and for providing funds and adequate facilities to carry out research. Students' performance is monitored through 3 main instruments:

1. Journal Clubs, where each Student presents and discusses an article that has been approved by 2 opponents (1 Faculty and 1 Student) who will lead the discussion panel;

2. Oral presentations in the form of Progress Reports in front of Faculty, students and postdocs; these take place once a year;

3. Poster presentations during the "PhD day", a 1 and 1/2 day event organized by the School were former students are invited to give oral presentations; a panel of Faculty rates each student's poster, and the best are chosen for an oral presentation.

Access to the 2nd and 3rd year demands a positive evaluation from the Council of each Curriculum, where performance is discussed with the Supervisor and measures are taken as necessary.
Training & Education
A full list of past courses and other teaching activities can be found at and
Doctoral Thesis
There is no minimum publication requirement for submitting a Ph.D. Thesis, although original publications are expected to be part of the dissertation, and this aspect of performance is monitored particularly from the 2nd year in the Course. Due to the general quality of the School, dissertations not including original publications are seldom seen. Thesis discussion consists in a formal presentation to an ad hoc Committee selected based on competence.
University; Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo; private sources (Novartis); individual labs. Funding is for 3 years. Periods abroad are supported by the University with an additional 500,00 Eur per month.
International students who qualify for a Fellowship from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo get a package including the Fellowship plus lodging and meals. Last Call was for 15 positions for the whole University.