The following table provides a complete list of the scientists participating in NEIDOS, who are eligible to act as direct supervisors of the enrolled students. Supervisors can be identified either by entering their last name or by searching the table based on the University/Institution, Program and/or research area of interest. Once one or more supervisors of interest are identified, details about their scientific profiles, research activity and projects offered to students can be accessed by clicking on the supervisor's name.

Open supervisors' table.
Name University / Institution Course Research Area(s) id corsi id univ
Abbondanza C. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Achilli A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Acquaviva A.M. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cell Biology, Neuroscience I23I I7I
Aducci P. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Aglietta M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Agresti A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Cell and Molecular Biology
Basic and Applied Immunology
Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I3II14I I19II19I
Albanese I. Palermo Cell Biology Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Alcalay M. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Genetics And Genomics I16I I21I
Alduina R. Palermo Cell Biology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I4I I9I
Alfano B. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Alfano M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I14I I19I
Aliverti A. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Amati B. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Genetics And Genomics I16I I21I
Amoroso A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Immunity And Infection I26I I15I
Andreoli C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Annunziato L. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience, Molecular Biology I21I I7I
Antonutto G. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Experimental Medicine I25I I18I
Argenton F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Arrigoni G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Chemical Biology I8I I8I
Ausiello G. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Computational Biology I2I I14I
Autran B. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Avvedimento V.E. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I23I I7I
Bacchetta R. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Genetics And Genomics I14I I19I
Bachi A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Chemical Biology I3I I19I
Baldan B. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Baldanti F. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Immunity And Infection, Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Baldanzi G. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Cancer Biology, Immunity And Infection I9I I12I
Balestrazzi A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I27I I10I
Ballarin L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Banfi S. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Barbieri G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Barbon A. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Molecular Biology, Neuroscience I12I I1I
Barilà D. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Barlati S. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Neuroscience I12I I1I
Battaglia M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Battistoni A. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Immunity And Infection I2I I14I
Baudet M. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Neuroscience, Molecular Biology I7I I16I
Baussano I. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Computational Biology, Immunity And Infection I9I I12I
Beguinot F. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Bellone M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Cancer Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Beltramini M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Benedetti P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Benedetto C. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I26I I15I
Benetti R. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I6I I17I
Benvenuti F. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Immunity And Infection I6I I17I
Bergantino E. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I8I I8I
Bernardi P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Chemical Biology I8I I8I
Bernardi R. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I3I I19I
Bertino E. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Developmental Biology, Chemical Biology I26I I15I
Bertone V. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I27I I10I
Bertoni G. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Besozzi D. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Computational Biology I24I I5I
Biamonti G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology I27I I10I
Bianchi V. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I8I I8I
Bicciato S. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Computational Biology, Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Biggiogera M. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Developmental Biology I27I I10I
Biino G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Billi D. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Binda C. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I27I I10I
Biolo G. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Experimental Medicine I6I I17I
Biondi B. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Biondi A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I14I I19I
Bione S. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Computational Biology, Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Bisi G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Blaauw B. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience, Molecular Biology I8I I8I
Blasi F. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Cell Biology I16I I21I
Bo M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Bolino A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Neuroscience, Cell Biology I3I I19I
Bolognesi M. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology, Computational Biology I24I I5I
Bonaldi T. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM
Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology
Medical Nanotechnology
Chemical Biology, Cancer Biology I16II19I I21II21I
Bonaldo P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Bonatti S. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I13I I7I
Bondanza A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Cell and Molecular Biology
Basic and Applied Immunology
Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I3II14I I19II19I
Boniolo G. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Foundations of Life Sciences and Their Ethical Consequences Bioethics I11I I21I
Bonizzoni M. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Immunity And Infection, Computational Biology I27I I10I
Borlak J. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Experimental Medicine I7I I16I
Borsani G. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Computational Biology I12I I1I
Bortoluzzi S. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Boscia F. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Botta E. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Experimental Medicine, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Bottone M.G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Neuroscience I27I I10I
Bozzi Y. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Neuroscience I7I I16I
Bragonzi A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Molecular Biology I14I I19I
Brancolini C. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Cancer Biology, Cell Biology I25I I18I
Branzei D. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology I16I I21I
Branzei D. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I16I I21I
Brendolan A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Developmental Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Briani F. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Brusco A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I26I I15I
Bubacco L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Buonaguro L.F. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Cancer Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Burighel P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Buroni S. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Immunity And Infection I27I I10I
Bussolati G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Cabibbo A. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Computational Biology, Immunity And Infection I2I I14I
Cabodi S. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Calogero R. Torino Complex Systems for Life Sciences Cancer Biology, Computational Biology I33I I15I
Calvio C. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Camoni L. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Campione M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Genetics And Genomics, Developmental Biology I8I I8I
Cannata S. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Developmental Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I2I I14I
Cappabianca P. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Cappelletti G. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Cell Biology, Neuroscience I24I I5I
Cappello F. Palermo Molecular and Experimental Medicine Experimental Medicine I18I I9I
Caradonna F. Palermo Cell Biology Genetics And Genomics, Cell Biology I4I I9I
Carena S. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Caretti G. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Developmental Biology, Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Carlomagno F. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Carra S. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Carraro U. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience I8I I8I
Carrì M.T. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Neuroscience I2I I14I
Casadoro G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Casarosa S. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Developmental Biology I7I I16I
Casella L. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Chemical Biology, Neuroscience I10I I11I
Caselle M. Torino Complex Systems for Life Sciences Computational Biology, Genetics And Genomics I33I I15I
Casola S. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology I16I I21I
Casorati G. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I14I I19I
Cassini A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Cassoni P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology, Neuroscience I26I I15I
Castagnoli L. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I2I I14I
Castaldo G. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Experimental Medicine I13I I7I
Castoria G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Cavalieri V. Palermo Cell Biology Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Cavallaro U. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I16I I21I
Cazzalini O. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I27I I10I
Cecconi F. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Cella R. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology I10I I11I
Cereda C. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Neuroscience, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Cereseto A. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Immunity And Infection I7I I16I
Cerutti F. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Cesareni G. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology, Computational Biology I2I I14I
Chiariotti L. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I13I I7I
Chiarle R. Torino
Molecular Medicine
Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology
Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology I17II26I I15II15I
Chiocca S. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology I16I I21I
Ciccarelli F. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Genetics And Genomics, Computational Biology I16I I21I
Ciliberto A. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Computational Biology, Cell Biology I16I I21I
Ciribilli Y. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics I7I I16I
Cirillo Silengo M. Torino Molecular Medicine Developmental Biology, Genetics And Genomics I17I I15I
Ciriolo M.R. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Cell Biology I2I I14I
Cocozza S. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Colao A. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Collavin L. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I6I I17I
Colombi M. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I12I I1I
Colombo R. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Cell Biology, Chemical Biology I24I I5I
Comincini S. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Biology, Neuroscience I27I I10I
Condorelli G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cancer Biology, Cell Biology I23I I7I
Congiu L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Conti R. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Cordero Di Montezemolo L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Developmental Biology, Immunity And Infection I26I I15I
Costa R. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Costanzo V. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Cotella D. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I9I I12I
Cotelli F. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Crescenzi O. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Crippa M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I3I I19I
Croce A.C. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology I27I I10I
Csikasz-Nagy A. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Computational Biology I7I I16I
D'Adda Di Fagagna F. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I16I I21I
D'Alfonso S. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics I26I I15I
D'Alfonso S. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Genetics And Genomics I9I I12I
D'Onofrio G. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Dahm R. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Cell Biology, Developmental Biology I7I I16I
Dalla Serra M. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology I7I I16I
Danieli D. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Davello A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
De Bartolomeis A. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
De Bernard M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Immunity And Infection, Cell Biology I8I I8I
De Bortoli M. Torino Complex Systems for Life Sciences Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I33I I15I
De Curtis I. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Neuroscience I3I I19I
De Curtis I. Insubria Neurobiology Cell Biology, Neuroscience I20I I4I
De Lorenzi E. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I10I I11I
De Marchi M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
De Michele G. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
De Michelis M.I. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology, Cell Biology I24I I5I
De Petro G. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I12I I1I
De Placido S. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
De Placido S. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
De Rossi E. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I27I I10I
De Vita G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
De Wulf P. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I16I I21I
Deaglio S. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Dehò G. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Dejana E. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Developmental Biology, Cancer Biology I16I I21I
Del Giacco L. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Neuroscience, Developmental Biology I24I I5I
Del Sal G. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Cancer Biology, Cell Biology I6I I17I
Dellabona P. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Demichelis F. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Computational Biology, Molecular Biology I7I I16I
Denti M. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology I7I I16I
Di Bernardo D. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Di Carlo C. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience I21II22II23I I7II7II7I
Di Felice V. Palermo Molecular and Experimental Medicine Experimental Medicine, Cell Biology I18I I9I
Di Fiore P.P. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I16I I21I
Di Lauro R. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Developmental Biology, Genetics And Genomics I13I I7I
Di Leva F. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Cancer Biology I7I I16I
Di Liegro C.M. Palermo Cell Biology Cell Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Di Lisa F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Di Natale P. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Experimental Medicine, Neuroscience I13I I7I
Di Nocera P. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Computational Biology I13I I7I
Di Renzo G. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Dianzani I. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Genetics And Genomics, Experimental Medicine I9I I12I
Dogliotti L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Donella A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Duga S. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Durelli L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Neuroscience I26I I15I
Esposito G. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I25I I18I
Fabris C. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Farsetti A. Roma, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Experimental Endocrinology, Metabolism and Endocrine Surgery Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I28I I2I
Fasano M. Insubria Neurobiology Neuroscience, Chemical Biology I20I I4I
Fasolato C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience, Cell Biology I8I I8I
Feliciello A. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I23I I7I
Fenzi G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Ferrari S. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Ferrero E. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Ferrero G.B. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Ferretti L. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Fesce R. Insubria Neurobiology Neuroscience, Computational Biology I20I I4I
Filippini F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Filla A. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Fiorina P. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Fleischhauer K. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Genetics And Genomics, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Focher F. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I27I I10I
Fogolari F. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Computational Biology I25I I18I
Foiani M. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I16I I21I
Follenzi A. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Experimental Medicine I9I I12I
Fontana A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Formisano S. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Formisano P. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Forti L. Insubria Neurobiology Neuroscience, Cell Biology I20I I4I
Francia S. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Frezza D. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Genetics And Genomics I2I I14I
Frontini A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Experimental Medicine I27I I10I
Furia M. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Developmental Biology, Genetics And Genomics I13I I7I
Furlanello C. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Computational Biology I7I I16I
Fusco G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Fusco A. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Gabellini D. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I3I I19I
Gambaro G. Roma, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Experimental Endocrinology, Metabolism and Endocrine Surgery Cell Biology, Experimental Medicine I28I I2I
Garbi C. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I23I I7I
Gardella R. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics I12I I1I
Gasparini P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Gasparre G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology, Genetics And Genomics I26I I15I
Gennarelli M. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I12I I1I
Gennaro R. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Immunity And Infection, Chemical Biology I6I I17I
Genta I. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I10I I11I
Geraci F. Palermo Cell Biology Cell Biology I4I I9I
Gherardi E. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Experimental Medicine, Cancer Biology I10I I11I
Ghia P. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Cancer Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Ghigna C. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology I27I I10I
Ghisotti D. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Giaccari A. Roma, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Experimental Endocrinology, Metabolism and Endocrine Surgery Experimental Medicine I28I I2I
Giachino C. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I26I I15I
Giacometti G.M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Gianguzza F. Palermo Cell Biology Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Giulotto E. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Gomulski L. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Gonfloni S. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I2I I14I
Gorza L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Experimental Medicine I8I I8I
Gotch F.M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Gottesman M. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Molecular Biology I23I I7I
Govoni S. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Neuroscience, Experimental Medicine I10I I11I
Grassi G. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Experimental Medicine, Cancer Biology I6I I17I
Graziani A. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology I9I I12I
Gregori S. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Grieco D. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I23I I7I
Grignolo F. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Neuroscience I26I I15I
Guella G. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology I7I I16I
Guerrini L. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Cell Biology, Developmental Biology I24I I5I
Guidotti L. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Helmer-Citterich M. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Computational Biology, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Hirsch E. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Iannacone M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Imbriano C. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I15I I6I
Inga A. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics I7I I16I
Inghirami G. Torino
Molecular Medicine
Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology
Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology I17II26I I15II15I
Iolascon A. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine I13I I7I
Isaia G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Cell Biology I26I I15I
Isidoro C. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Cancer Biology, Neuroscience I9I I12I
Jousson O. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Immunity And Infection I7I I16I
Kilstrup-Nielsen C. Insubria Neurobiology Molecular Biology, Neuroscience I20I I4I
La Mantia G. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I13I I7I
Laccetti P. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Landsberger N. Insubria Neurobiology Molecular Biology, Neuroscience I20I I4I
Lanfranchi G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Lanfrancone L. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology I16I I21I
Lania L. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Cancer Biology, Molecular Biology I13I I7I
Lanzavecchia A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Leo S. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Cancer Biology I7I I16I
Leonardi A. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Leone F. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Liberi G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Lo Bello M. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Cancer Biology I2I I14I
Lo Schiavo F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I8I I8I
Lo Schiavo F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I8I I8I
Lodovichi C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Lombardi G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Neuroscience, Cancer Biology I23I I7I
Loreni F. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I2I I14I
Losi L. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Luban J. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Molecular Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Lunelli L. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Computational Biology I7I I16I
Luparello C. Palermo Cell Biology Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I4I I9I
Lupoli G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Luppi M. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I15I I6I
Lusic M. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Molecular Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Macchi P. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Neuroscience I7I I16I
Macchia P.E. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Maestro R. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Cancer Biology I25I I18I
Maga G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I27I I10I
Magri C. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Neuroscience I12I I1I
Maiorana A. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Majello B. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine I13I I7I
Malaspina P. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I2I I14I
Malavasi F. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Genetics And Genomics I26I I15I
Malissen B. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology I14I I19I
Malnati M.S. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Mammano F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience, Computational Biology I8I I8I
Mammi S. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Chemical Biology I8I I8I
Mammucari C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology I8I I8I
Mancini I. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology I7I I16I
Manfioletti G. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Cancer Biology I6I I17I
Manfredi A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Manfredini R. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Mangione P. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Chemical Biology I10I I11I
Mansy S. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology I7I I16I
Mantovani R. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Mapelli M. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I16I I21I
Marchina E. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Neuroscience I12I I1I
Marciano E. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Marconi A. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Cell Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I15I I6I
Marigo V. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Marin M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Marini F. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I24I I5I
Marozio L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Marra M. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Chemical Biology I2I I14I
Martinelli P. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience I13II21II23I I7II7II7I
Mascia L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Masiero S. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Developmental Biology, Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Matarese G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Mattevi A. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I10I I11I
Mattioli A.V. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I15I I6I
Mattivi F. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics I7I I16I
Matullo G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I26I I15I
Mavelli I. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Chemical Biology I25I I18I
Mavilio F. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I3I I19I
Meldolesi J. Insubria Neurobiology Neuroscience, Cell Biology I20I I4I
Melillo R.M. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Menato G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Merico V. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Developmental Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I27I I10I
Merletti F. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology, Computational Biology I26I I15I
Meroni G. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I6I I17I
Messina G. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Developmental Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I24I I5I
Micheletti L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology, Bioethics I26I I15I
Miele G. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Migliaccio A. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I23I I7I
Migliavacca R. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Immunity And Infection I27I I10I
Migone N. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics I26I I15I
Milani P. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Medical Nanotechnology I19I I21I
Minelli A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Miniero R. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Minucci S. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Genetics And Genomics I16I I21I
Molinari S. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology I15I I6I
Molinaro P. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Neuroscience I13II21I I7II7I
Mondino A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I14I I19I
Montecucco C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience, Cell Biology I8I I8I
Montecucco A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I27I I10I
Morandini P. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I24I I5I
Moretti F. Roma, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Experimental Endocrinology, Metabolism and Endocrine Surgery Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I28I I2I
Morici G. Palermo Molecular and Experimental Medicine Experimental Medicine I18I I9I
Morosinotto T. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Mostacciuolo M.L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Genetics And Genomics I8I I8I
Murgia M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Musarò A. Roma La Sapienza Morphogenesis, Homeostasis and Tissue Engineering Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Cell Biology I5I I13I
Musco G. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Computational Biology I3I I19I
Mussa A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Muzi-Falconi M. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Nanni S. Roma, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Experimental Endocrinology, Metabolism and Endocrine Surgery Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I28I I2I
Nappi C. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience I13II21II22II23I I7II7II7II7I
Natoli G. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology I16I I21I
Navone R. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Nergadze S.G. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I27I I10I
Nicodemi M. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Nitsch L. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Cell Biology, Genetics And Genomics I13I I7I
Notomista E. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Olivieri A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Onesti S. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I6I I17I
Orefice G. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience I21II23I I7II7I
Orioli D. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Neuroscience I27I I10I
Palestro G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Palumbo G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Palumbo C. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Experimental Medicine, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I15I I6I
Pannaccione A. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Paolucci P. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Experimental Medicine, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I15I I6I
Papini E. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Papotti M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Pappatà S. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience I13II21II23I I7II7II7I
Pardi R. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Cell and Molecular Biology
Basic and Applied Immunology
Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I3II14I I19II19I
Parolaro D. Insubria Neurobiology Neuroscience, Developmental Biology I20I I4I
Parolini S. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Immunity And Infection, Molecular Biology I12I I1I
Pasca M.R. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Pasini D. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I16I I21I
Pasini B. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Pastore L. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Genetics And Genomics I13I I7I
Pederzolli C. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology I7I I16I
Pelicci P.G. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I16I I21I
Pelicci G. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Neuroscience I16I I21I
Pellegrini M. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Experimental Medicine I15I I6I
Pellicioli A. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I24I I5I
Perucca P. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I27I I10I
Pesaresi P. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Chemical Biology I24I I5I
Petersen-Mahrt S. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Molecular Biology, Immunity And Infection I16I I21I
Petroni K. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Piacentini M. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Experimental Medicine I2I I14I
Piazza A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Piccinni E. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Pich A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Piemonti L. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Pietrangelo A. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Experimental Medicine, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Pietrangelo A. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Experimental Medicine, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Pietrobon D. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience I8I I8I
Piga A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Pignataro G. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Pilastro A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Pincelli C. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I15I I6I
Pinna L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Pizzato M. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Immunity And Infection I7I I16I
Pizzo P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience, Cell Biology I8I I8I
Planelles V. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Molecular Biology I14I I19I
Plevani P. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Poli G. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Polo S. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology, Chemical Biology I16I I21I
Polverino De Laureto P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Neuroscience, Chemical Biology I8I I8I
Pontecorvi A. Roma, Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Experimental Endocrinology, Metabolism and Endocrine Surgery Experimental Medicine I28I I2I
Ponzetto A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Portella G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Postiglione L. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I23I I7I
Potenza L. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I15I I6I
Pozzan T. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Prat M. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Cell Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I9I I12I
Prosperi E. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Protti M.P. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Cancer Biology, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Provenzani A. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Cancer Biology I7I I16I
Provero P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Computational Biology, Genetics And Genomics I26I I15I
Pucillo C. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Immunity And Infection, Cancer Biology I25I I18I
Puglia A.M. Palermo Cell Biology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I4I I9I
Quaglino D. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Experimental Medicine, Cell Biology I15I I6I
Quarantelli M. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Quattrone A. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Cancer Biology I7I I16I
Racchi M. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Neuroscience, Cell Biology I10I I11I
Racioppi L. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I23I I7I
Ragnini-Wilson A. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Genetics And Genomics I2I I14I
Ragusa M.A. Palermo Cell Biology Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Raimondi E. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Cell Biology I27I I10I
Ramenghi U. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cell Biology, Immunity And Infection I26I I15I
Ranieri M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Ranzani G.N. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Cancer Biology I27I I10I
Rascio N. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Rasola A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I8I I8I
Rasotto M.B. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Ravazzolo R. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Recchia A. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I15I I6I
Rescigno M. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Immunity And Infection I16I I21I
Revelli A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Bioethics I26I I15I
Riccardi G. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I10I I11I
Rigoni M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Neuroscience I8I I8I
Rimondini L. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Cancer Biology I9I I12I
Rinaudo P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Riva S. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I10I I11I
Riva P. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Cancer Biology I24I I5I
Rizzetto M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Rizzo R. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Chemical Biology I6I I17I
Rizzuto R. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Roccatello D. Torino Complex Systems for Life Sciences Experimental Medicine I33I I15I
Roccheri M.C. Palermo Cell Biology Cell Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Rodolfo C. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I2I I14I
Romeo G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Romualdi C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Roncarolo M.G. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Rossetto O. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Rossi L. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Chemical Biology, Cell Biology I2I I14I
Rossi A. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I10I I11I
Rovere-Querini P. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Rubino T. Insubria Neurobiology Neuroscience, Developmental Biology I20I I4I
Ruggiero G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology Immunity And Infection, Cell Biology I23I I7I
Russo T. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Molecular Biology, Experimental Medicine I13I I7I
Russo A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Ruzzene M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Chemical Biology, Cell Biology I8I I8I
Sabbatini M. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Neuroscience, Immunity And Infection I9I I12I
Sabbioneda S. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology I27I I10I
Sacchetti L. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I13I I7I
Salemi G. Palermo Cell Biology Neuroscience, Experimental Medicine I4I I9I
Sallusto F. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Salvatore E. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience I29II21II23I I7II7II7I
Salvatore F. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I13I I7I
Salvatore D. Napoli Federico II Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology I23I I7I
Salvatore G. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Salvatore P. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Immunity And Infection, Molecular Biology I13I I7I
Salvi A. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Molecular Biology I12I I1I
Sandonà D. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Sandrelli F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Genetics And Genomics I8I I8I
Sandri M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Sandrucci S. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Santoro M. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Santoro L. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Santoro C. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I9I I12I
Santoro M.G. Roma Tor Vergata Cell and Molecular Biology Cell Biology, Immunity And Infection I2I I14I
Sapino A. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Sartori G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Sassera D. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Computational Biology I27I I10I
Savio M. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I27I I10I
Sblattero D. Piemonte Orientale Biotechnologies For Human Health Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I9I I12I
Scarlatti G. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I14I I19I
Scarpa M. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Chemical Biology I7I I16I
Schepis F. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Experimental Medicine, Developmental Biology I15I I6I
Schoeftner S. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Cancer Biology, Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine I6I I17I
Scita G. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I16I I21I
Sconzo G. Palermo Cell Biology Cell Biology I4I I9I
Scorrano L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Cell Biology, Neuroscience I8I I8I
Scorziello A. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Secondo A. Napoli Federico II
Napoli Federico II
Molecular Pathology and Pathophysiology
Neuroscience, Experimental Medicine I21II23I I7II7I
Semino O. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I27I I10I
Seri M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I26I I15I
Sidenius N. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology I16I I21I
Silvestro L. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Immunity And Infection I26I I15I
Sismondi P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Sitia R. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Cell and Molecular Biology
Basic and Applied Immunology
Cell Biology, Molecular Biology I3II14I I19II19I
Sitia G. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute
Cell and Molecular Biology
Basic and Applied Immunology
Immunity And Infection, Experimental Medicine I3II14I I19II19I
Soldà G. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Sorgato M.C. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Spina M. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Spinelli G. Palermo Cell Biology Molecular Biology, Developmental Biology I4I I9I
Squartini A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Stivala L.A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Cancer Biology, Experimental Medicine I27I I10I
Striano S. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Szabo I. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Tagliafico E. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Taglialatela M. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Tarone G. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I26I I15I
Tarugi P. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Taveggia C. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Cell and Molecular Biology Neuroscience, Cell Biology I3I I19I
Tell G. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I25I I18I
Terreni M. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Developmental Biology, Chemical Biology I10I I11I
Testa G. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM
Foundations of Life Sciences and Their Ethical Consequences
Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology
Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Cancer Biology I11II16I I21II21I
Tiribelli C. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Experimental Medicine, Cell Biology I6I I17I
Todros T. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine I26I I15I
Tolino A. Napoli Federico II Neurosciences Neuroscience I21I I7I
Tonelli C. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I24I I5I
Tonello F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Molecular Biology, Cell Biology I8I I8I
Toninello A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Torroni A. Pavia Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology Genetics And Genomics I27I I10I
Torti M. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Cell Biology, Chemical Biology I10I I11I
Tosatto S. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Computational Biology I8I I8I
Tossi A. Trieste Molecular Biomedicine Immunity And Infection, Chemical Biology I6I I17I
Tovo P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Tramontano D. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Tupler R.G. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Genetics And Genomics, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Turchetti D. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Genetics And Genomics, Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Vaccari T. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cancer Biology, Cell Biology I16I I21I
Valentini G. Pavia-IUSS Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I10I I11I
Valle G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Venier P. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Genetics And Genomics, Immunity And Infection I8I I8I
Venturin M. Milano Biomolecular Sciences Molecular Biology, Genetics And Genomics I24I I5I
Vianello F. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies I8I I8I
Vicenzi E. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Immunity And Infection, Molecular Biology I14I I19I
Viero G. Trento Biomolecular Sciences Cancer Biology I7I I16I
Villa A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Villa A. Milano, Vita-Salute San Raffaele-San Raffaele Institute Basic and Applied Immunology Experimental Medicine, Immunity And Infection I14I I19I
Vineis P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology I26I I15I
Visintin R. Milano, UNIMI-SEMM Molecular Medicine: Molecular Oncology and Computational Biology Cell Biology I16I I21I
Vitale M. Napoli Federico II Molecular Oncology and Endocrinology I22I I7I
Vitiello L. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine, Genetics And Genomics I8I I8I
Volante M. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Xodo L. Udine Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I25I I18I
Zannini M. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology I13I I7I
Zanocco Marani T. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I15I I6I
Zanotti G. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Chemical Biology, Molecular Biology I8I I8I
Zappavigna V. Modena-Reggio Emilia Molecular and Regenerative Medicine Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology I15I I6I
Zola P. Torino Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Experimental Medicine, Cancer Biology I26I I15I
Zollo M. Napoli Federico II Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Computational Biology I29I I7I
Zoppi N. Brescia Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine Cell Biology, Cancer Biology I12I I1I
Zordan M.A. Padova Biosciences and Biotechnologies Genetics And Genomics, Neuroscience I8I I8I
Zurzolo C. Napoli Federico II Genetics and Molecular Medicine Cell Biology, Neuroscience I13I I7I