Andrea Rasola
Andrea Rasola
affiliation: Dept. Biomedical Sciences
research area(s): Cell Biology, Cancer Biology
Course: Biosciences and Biotechnologies
University/Istitution: Università di Padova
Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Genova.
PhD Degree in Human Genetics, University of Torino.
Specialization Degree in Applied Genetics, University of Pavia.

1991-1995. PhD in Human Genetics at the laboratory of Molecular Genetics of the Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy (Prof. G. Romeo research director).
1996-1999. Post doctoral experience at the laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, INSERM U364, Nice, France (Prof. B. Rossi research director).
1999-2005. Post doctoral experience at the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, Candiolo, Torino, Italy (Prof. Paolo M. Comoglio research director).
2005. Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy.
Study of the regulatory mechanisms, of the molecular composition and of the apoptotic role of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore; study of apoptotic mechanisms in tumor and infection models; analysis of the role played by mitochondria in kinase signal transduction pathways, with a particular focus on the metabolic changes linked to neoplastic transformation, and to the dysregulation of oxidative phosphorylation in tumors; study of the functional consequences of oxidative stress caused by respiratory alterations following chemotherapeutic treatment or in models of muscle disease.
Chiara F, Rasola A (2013) GSK-3 and mitochondria in cancer cells. Front Oncol. 3:16.

Chiara F*, Gambalunga A, Sciacovelli M, Nicolli A, Ronconi L, Fregona D, Bernardi P, Rasola A*, Trevisan A (2012) Chemotherapeutic induction of mitochondrial oxidative stress activates GSK-3alpha/beta and Bax, leading to permeability transition pore opening and tumor cell death. Cell Death Dis 3:e444 * co-corresponding authors

Masgras I, Rasola A*, Bernardi P* (2012) Induction of the permeability transition pore in cells depleted of mitochondrial DNA. Biochim Biophys Acta 1817:1860-1866 *co-corresponding authors

Rasola A, Bernardi P (2011) Mitochondrial permeability transition in Ca(2+)-dependent apoptosis and necrosis. Cell Calcium 50:222-233

Lembo Fazio L, Nigro G, Noël G, Rossi G, Chiara F, Tsilingiri K, Rescigno M, Rasola A, Bernardini ML (2011) Shigella-mediated epithelial cell death involves the intrinsic branch of apoptosis and Gadd45-alpha activity. Cell Death and Disease 2:e122

Azzolin L, Antolini N, Calderan A, Ruzza P, Marin O, Mammi S, Bernardi P, Rasola A (2011) Antamanide, a derivative of Amanita phalloides, is a novel inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. PLoS ONE 6:e16280

Rasola A, Sciacovelli M, Pantic B, Bernardi P (2010) Signal transduction to the permeability transition pore. FEBS Lett 584:1989-1996

Rasola A, Sciacovelli M, Chiara F, Pantic B, Brusilow WS, Bernardi P (2010) Activation of mitochondrial ERK protects cancer cells from death through inhibition of the permeability transition. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:726-731

Chiara F, Castellaro D, Marin O, Petronilli V, Brusilow WS, Juhaszova M, Sollott SJ, Forte M, Bernardi P, Rasola A (2008) Hexokinase II Detachment from Mitochondria Triggers Apoptosis through the Permeability Transition Pore Independent of Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels. PLoS ONE 3:e1852

Rasola A, Bernardi P (2007) The mitochondrial permeability transition pore and its involvement in cell death and in disease pathogenesis. Apoptosis 12:815-833

Rasola A, Fassetta M, De Bacco F, D’Alessandro L, Di Renzo MF, Comoglio PM (2007) A positive feddback loop between Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor and beta-catenin sustains colorectal cancer cell invasive growth. Oncogene 26:1078-1087
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